CHINA SHIPPING LINE 的中文意思是什么?回答:1)CHINA SHIPPING LINE :全部为大写字母是公司专有名词:“中国海运”,,也简称为:CHINA SHIPPING ;China Shipping (Group) Company (abbr. China Shipping) 中国海运(集团)总公司,[其简称也写为:CHINA SHIPPING (“中国海运”)];该公司成立于1997年7月1日,总部设在上海市。 CHINA SHIPPING (中国海运),此三个英语单词一般出现在中海的远洋轮船上、港口设施、运输工具等上面,表明是中海集团所有的。2)CHINA SHIPPING CONTAINER LINE 译成“中国海运公司”是不准确的,China Shipping Container Liness Co. Ltd. 译为:中海集装箱运输股份有限公司 (abbr.缩写:CSCL);而 CHINA SHIPPING CONTAINER LINE 应译成:中海集装箱运输公司;3)你若有兴趣可阅读下列关于中海的英汉对照简介附: 中国海运(集团)总公司(简称“中国海运”)成立于1997年7月1日,总部设在上海市。 中国海运是中央直接领导和管理的重要国有骨干企业之一,是以航运为主业的跨国经营、跨行业、跨地区、跨所有制的特大型综合性企业集团。 中国海运主营业务设有集装箱、油运、货运、客运、汽车船运输、特种运输等专业化船队;正在开展LNG业务。相关业务有码头经营、综合物流、船舶代理、环球空运、船舶修造、船员管理、集箱制造、供应贸易、金融投资、信息技术等产业体系。China Shipping (Group) Company (abbr. China Shipping) was established on July 1, 1997, whose headquarter was located in Shanghai. China Shipping is one of the key state-owned enterprises under the direct administration of the Central Government and is a super-large shipping conglomerate that mainly operates shipping across different regions, fields, countries and ownership。The main service of China Shipping is container, tanker, freight, passenger transport, car carrier and special transportation; it will offer LNG service at once. Its related services are terminal operation, integrated logistics, shipping agency, universal airfreight, ship building, the crew management, container manufacture, supply and trading, finance and investment, and information technology.
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