

127 2024-03-13 18:14 admin


ambulance / AmbjulEns/ 救护车

bike / baik/ 自行车

bicycle / baisikl/ 自行车

motorcycle / moutEsaikl/ 摩托车

cart / ka:t/ 二轮马车

carriage / kAridV/ 四轮马车

car / ka:/ 小汽车

jeep / dVi:p/ 吉普车

tractor / trAktE/ 拖拉机

lorry / lRri/ 重型卡车

truck / trQk/ 卡车

bus / bQs/ 大客车

coach / kEutF/ 大客车

van / vAn/ 厢式货车

taxi / tAksi/ 计程汽车,出租汽车

subway / sQbwei/ 地铁

railway / reilwei/ 铁路

train / trein/ 火车

locomotive / lEukEmEutiv/ 火车头

express / iks5pres/ 快客列车

boat / bEut/ 小船

ship / Fip/ 船

yacht / jRt/ 游船

vessel / vesl/ 大船

warship / wR:Fip/ 军舰

aeroplane / ZErEplein/ 飞机

plane / plein/ 飞机

aircraft / ZEkra:ft/ 飞机

airplane / ZEplein/ 飞机

jet / dVet/ 喷气飞机

spaceship / speisFip/ 宇宙飞船

space shuttle / / 航天飞机

helicopter / helikRptE/ 直升飞机



1.After seeing this photo,could you please make some prise for the Guilin landscape you seeing now?

2.How wonderful is the Guilin moutain,just looks like oldman,giant elephant,thecamel,with cliffy peak spreading out.

3.How beautiful is the Guilin moutain,looks like emerald green barrier,newly growed bamboo shoot,with bright color,reflecting in the water

4.How risky is the Guilin moutain,with cliffy peak standing one by one,jagged rocks of grotesque shapes,it seems that,people will tend to fall down.

5.This kind of moutain surrounds this kind of water,and this kind of water reflects this kind of moutain,with the mist cloud and fog,green trees and flowers in the moutain,bamboo rafts and boats in the river,which makes you feel be in the endless pictures.That is:the boat goes on the greenwaves,while the people travels in the picture.

6.Next,we'll go forward to Lipu,touring Yinziyan cliff which belongs to limestone cave.Coming together all kinds of stalactite,looks come to life,and looks vivid,it is reputed for the reprecence of new Guilin Landscape.

7. After arriving at Suyang,we'll stroll the famous west street,which is full of western culture flavor.

8. Tonight,you could watch unprecedent Impression Liu Sanjie at your own expense,it performed by trueman and live action,which is can't miss moment.

9. And then,we could watch the poetic and picturesque idyllic scenery.

10.Today we'll visit Longsheng,meet the local farmer's Chinese clarinet ranking acceptance,taste the camellia oleifera abel of the Zhuang ethnic group,sing the songs in antiphonal singing,and visit the Zhuang ethnic group's wood building which has a hundred years history.

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